Tours - by land & Water
Linda's Area Tours 272-2227
Events & Destination Trips, Local Interest Bus Tours, Mystery Tours, etc.
Calaraqui Trail - part of the TransCanada
trail system, from Strathcona to Smiths Falls. - a multi-use trail on former CN rail line, 104 kilometres beginning at the south end of Smiths Falls, passing through Portland, Chaffeys Lock, Sydenham, & Harrowsmitlt or call 613-546-4228 ext. 304 or toll free 1-877-956-CRCA ext. 304 Rideau Trail - reserved for hikers, 300 kilometres from Kingston to Ottawa, maintained and improved by volunteers. Consult the "Rideau Trail Guidebook" or call 613-530-2142. Foley Mountain Conservation Area - 800 acres overlooking Westport village offering outdoor opportunities :
Mardion Dunn Trail - Chaffeys Lock, the trail entrance is just before the lock off County Road 9 between two flower planters. No longer maintained by Parks Canada, but open to the public to use at their own risk. Rock Dunder - off Stanley Lash Lane, Morton, the trail is suitable from sunrise to sunset. No fires are permitted. Jones Falls - the lock station hosts a number of loops in and around the locks. Mill Pond Conservation Area - at the end of Britton-Houghton Bay Road with a trail to the Lime Kiln. Sugarbush Island- an easy hike amongst magnficent trees, off Davis Lock Road just west of Sleepy Hollow Road across from Chaffeys Locks on Opinicon Lake. Smaller Trails - Shillington Park; Newborn Memorial Park; Sand Lake Park; Lower Beverley Lake Park. Trails & Tours Information summarized from |
PADDLING by Canoe or Kayak - Explore the truly
wonderful waterways of the Township of Rideau Lakes. View/download detailed guides:
The Township of Rideau Lakes Heritage Map, available throughout the Township, is also an excellent guide for exploring. Rideau BOAT Tours - for a more complete list of boat tours and rentals visit the Township of Rideau Lakes website, and see Boat Rentals
CYCLING Tours on your Smartphone are available as a free MyTOURS App for any iOS, Android or Windows Phone device. Once downloaded to your device the tours can be used offline. FOR MORE DETAILS ON TRAILS and TOURS GO TO HERITAGE DRIVING Tours Tours acquaint visitors and residents with rich local history and natural and cultural heritage. Check the Township of Rideau Lakes website for Heritage Driving Tours of Morton to Crosby, Crosby to Salem, South Elmsley/South Burgess. Tours on your Smartphone are available as a free MyTOURS App for any iOS, Android or Windows Phone device. For links to the app see: My Tours or do a search for ·Rideau" in your app store. Downloaded tours can be used offline. |